Sunday, February 4, 2007

New Tricks

Cristine is a climber. She likes to look down upon the world, but she hasn't learned how to get herself down. A few weeks ago she climbed up our step stool. I was in the bathroom at the time, and could hear her hitting the dryer door and making a whining type noise. I took my time and finally walked into the laundry room to find her perched on the top step of our two step stool.

For a month or so, she has been able to climb onto the table from her booster seat. Most mornings while I'm frantically trying to get Abby and Peter ready for school, she'll wake up. Not wanting her underfoot as I'm making breakfast and lunches, I put her in her chair with some cheerios to help occupy her. That works for a few moments, then she'll stand and climb up on the table.

This week she figured out how to wiggle up on a chair and from there get on to the table. Easy as pie, you may think, until you realize our chairs (except for the one with her booster seat) are on rollers. So as she stretches out to get up on the table the chair is pushing backwards. Last night a chair was conveniently in front of the refrigerator. She climbed up, cup in hand, and figured out how to get a drink of water.

Once again today she wiggled up on the table, I walked in to find her coated in butter. Note to self, put the butter away! Our other kids have all learned this fun trick, but I don't remember them being so young. So much for letting her entertain herself while I get things done!


wendy said...

Danger! John used to always get stuck on the table. But then he learned how to JUMP! and he would jump off the table and down the stairs and ...

No picture of her with butter in her hair? Yumm!

orchard_girl said...

I really need to get a cheap digital camera so I can take some snap shots. I think it would make my blog more interesting.

Inspiration Move said...

Why are kids so fascinated with everything that could possibly hurt them; climbing, forks, pens, tobasco sauce, etc. Mmm butter...