Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Past

This photo is from our first Christmas Eve in Oregon, 1992. Mom and Dad are wearing their super cute matching jammies.
Here are the 6 of us in our cool pj's. I like the matching hats. Laurie did you come down on Christmas Day? Bottom row left to right Wendy, Erin, me. Top row left to right Anna, Mary, Sarah.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Brithday and a Craft

Please, everybody, look at me!
Today I'm five years old you see!
And after this, I won't be four,
Not ever, ever, anymore!
I won't be three- or two- or one,
For that was when I first begun.
Now I'll be five a while and then,
I'll soon be something else again!
(Marie Louise Allen)

Can you believe it? How is it possible that time can go so quickly? Cristine had a fun day, or as she told me the best day ever. We had a small party at McDonald's with a couple of friends. Then home to more cupcakes and presents.

Last year I saw a similar pillow on a fun blog. A while ago I bought some very ugly pillows with the plan to recover them for my future new couch. I have yet to get my new couch, but decided to go ahead with recovering the pillows. I wanted to be able to quickly remove the cover and put a new one on next month, so I used a button down shirt as the backing of the pillow. I should have taken a picture, maybe I'll remember tomorrow. The kids really like that the pillow has pockets.

The other pillow was made out of a sweater I thought Peter would wear. He wore it once last year for our Christmas card. The pillow cover turned out lumpy and the train is sitting too high. But we like it. I have two more pillow covers to make, I'd like to make one more snowflake and I may copy the quilting blog again and make the felt circle pillow. I just need to track down 2 more red button down shirts.