Monday, February 27, 2012

Signs of Spring

Living in the Northwest I get excited for Spring. I find myself looking for any small sign that Spring in really on its way. Today, I found these cute little blooms outside. Snowdrops!
Last year after they bloomed, I realized I needed to move some of the bulbs since they were growing under and around a hose that drains our basement.
I thought about replanting them in our garden, but decided to surprise my sisters, mom and the kids teachers with small bulbs.
I'm curious to know if they are blooming in your gardens? Do you have any other signs of Spring in your garden?
Next I plan to go out and see if my strawberries survived my transplanting and the cold winter. Cross your fingers! The straw I asked Rick to get for me arrived 2 days after we had freezing temperatures.
Snowdrops are a fun bulb, since they are about the first thing to bloom, and will often bloom with snow still on the ground, just as in their name. Here's some sites with more information on them: