Michelle and Cristine were both Little Red Ridding Hood. I think their capes turned out pretty well. (Hopefully when I enter one into the fair, next year, the judges will be kinder then they were to the kimono. Hello it's a Halloween costume, it just has to stay together while you go trick-or-treating, for example look at the ones found at W-mart).
Cristine wasn't into the picture taking either. In this photo she is wondering why her bag is so flat and empty.
Other than the photo shoot, we had a fun night. The weather was mild, coats were not required, I think that was a first! The rain held off until the next day. Erin, Bridger and Forest met up with us, then came back and stayed the night. Another family joined us for dinner after trick-or-treating. We had yummy chili and bone breadsticks. http://jas.familyfun.go.com/recipefinder/display?id=50576 We played cards and Settlers of Zarahemlia while the kids ran around eating too much candy. I think Halloween should be on a Friday night every year!
such a darling girl, that Abby...just like her aunty....those pictures make me smile.
what cute costumes. You have some sweet skilz.
I love that first picture of abby!
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